Sometimes, the most effective activations are also the simplest. Here are just a few of the recent fan zone activations that really struck a chord with festival-goers.

All STEAMed Up
Tribu Expérientiel president Micah Desforges aims to bring his Montreal company’s high-energy competitive events to cities across Canada and the U.S., and he’s using the Canadian Sport Tourism Alliance’s STEAM tool to take the next steps. New investors—gained via an appearance on Dans l’oeil du dragon (Quebec’s Dragons’ Den)—have helped reshape the back-end of the business. Now, Tribu is using STEAM to assess the economic impact of its events, including the Barbegazi Winter Action Sports Festival, an official Montreal 375 event (pictured), featuring a snowy obstacle course and such quintessentially Canadian activities as snowskating, woodcutting, Christmas tree tossing and arm wrestling.
Training Hockey’s Next Leaders

The world’s first hockey-specific Executive MBA program developed in collaboration with the Business of Hockey Institute, is in full swing at Athabasca University. Last November, John F. McDonough, president and CEO of the Chicago Blackhawks, was honoured with the very first Certified Hockey Professional Designation.