Sport Tourism Industry COVID-19 Survey Findings Available

We recognize that our industry has been particularly devastated by COVID-19 and appreciate everyone taking the time to provide input through the recent surveys that were circulated.

With +100 people completing our recent COVID-19 surveys of Destination Marketing Organizations and Sport Rights Holders, we were able to create a snapshot in time of the impact of this pandemic on the sport tourism industry.

The results of the survey have provided valuable data for our continuing efforts to advocate on behalf of the industry in our ongoing government relations work.

Your feedback was also used to create our current COVID-19 Recovery webinar series, which has now been extended into June. We have presented a variety of topics, providing industry updates, as well as practical tools and professional development material. It’s also been a great forum to gather the sport tourism industry each week as more than 400 different people have participated in the sessions.

A brief summary of the findings from the two surveys conducted in late March and mid-April is provided here with a more detailed summary available, as well as a presentation format with graphs included. 

Our newly formed COVID-19 Recovery Task Force may conduct further surveys to keep the information as current as possible and we thank you in advance for your participation.

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