Celebrating Canadian sports history

First Nations distance runner Tom Longboat’s triumphant Boston Marathon win and figure skater Barbara Ann Scott’s historic 1948 Olympic gold medal are just two among hundreds of historic moments celebrated at Canadasports150.ca. Canada’s Sports Hall of Fame’s new online exhibit—Canadian History and Society: Through the Lens of Sport—features stories, photos, webisodes and mini-documentaries narrated by Canadian sporting heroes, and animated with over 800 carefully curated digital assets.

Interest in Aboriginal sport sparks advisory initiative

The National Aboriginal Research Agenda is a new initiative of the Aboriginal Sport Circle (ASC) to help guide policy, planning and program delivery decisions. The initiative is in response to an increased demand for Aboriginal-related research, according to ASC. An advisory group of leading researchers in Aboriginal sport will help develop and implement the agenda.


VIPs develop International Curling Centre of Excellence

An elite roster of curling VIPs, including
Olympic gold medallist Jennifer Jones, is
part of a committee developing a proposed International Curling Centre of Excellence (ICCE) in Winnipeg. The ICCE would promote all levels of curling, increase athlete access to technology, develop top-class performance in athletes and coaches and host international competitions. While not the only curling centre of excellence in Canada, Jeff Powell, general manager of the Canadian Sport Centre Manitoba, says the centre would help advance the work of existing programs and facilities across the country.



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